Yoga is learning to quiet the mind so you can listen to your heart.
This was the very first lesson I learned during my 200 hour Yoga Training with Sadhana Yoga School. Throughout the month-long training I began to explore this idea of quieting the mind and listening to my heart. So many times, I would let my thoughts get in the way of what I felt to be right. Often neglecting my intuition, and passion for what I loved. Since incorporating Yoga into my daily routine I have learned to turn off the little voice in my head that would say "you're too tired today" or "let's just rest and practice tomorrow." Instead, I listened to my body and used this time to breathe, meditate, and flow through whichever poses felt right at that moment. Holding no judgment, no regret, and not missing an opportunity to improve me every day.
Yoga is whatever we need it to be, and to find that out; you have to listen to what your heart is telling you.